शनिवार, 26 जुलाई 2014

HDFC Life Click2Invest ULIP Plan

1.Recently all major insurance companies launches online policies for a customer who is comfortable using the internet and has some experience of having made an online purchase. 
2.Buying life insurance online is cheaper than the offline version as online rebate is also available, Because if we buy an insurance policy online then companies have no need to pay commissions to his agents. 
3.HDFC Life Click2Invest - ULIP is an online Unit Linked Plan that offers you market linked returns. 
4.HDFC Life Click2Invest - ULIP has Zero charge structure.
5. HDFC Life Click2Invest - ULIP provide 8 fund options to choose from as per your investment style. 
6. This policy provide Flexibility to choose your policy term from 5 to 20 years 
7. This policy also give us Tax Benefits to under Section 80C and Sec 10(10D) of Income Tax Act 1961. 
8. Download HDFC Life Click2Invest ULIP Plan product brochure from this link click here to download
9.  Download Premium rates for HDFC Life Click2Invest ULIP Plan Click here
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